Dallas Cosmetic Center


What Is A Hoodectomy?

Is it your goal to rejuvenate your vulva with cosmetic surgery to make it look younger with a more exposed clitoris? If so, you may consider scheduling a consultation for a hoodectomy (a clitoral hood reduction) at Dallas Cosmetic Center in Dallas, TX. Our board-certified gynecologist and cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Otto Huertas, can remove excess skin from the clitoral hood. This procedure is typically performed during a reduction labiaplasty or vaginal rejuvenation procedure. When the clitoral hood is large, the clitoris can be difficult to stimulate and can affect your state of arousal and ultimately your sexual pleasure. A hoodectomy can expose the clitoral nerves and improve the aesthetic appearance of your vulva.

Some women worry that a hoodectomy is a form of clitoral mutilation. Dr. Huertas would like you to know that it is not. This is a surgical procedure to remove the excess tissue around the clitoris, and it will not alter or change the clitoris at all. He also wants to reassure you that this is not female genital mutilation. If you have questions, please schedule a consultation to discuss possible solutions with our team at Dallas Cosmetic Center. 

What Are The Benefits Of A Hoodectomy?

The primary benefit of a hoodectomy is a reduction in the overall size of the clitoral hood. This can not only improve the appearance of the area but can also improve sexual arousal. By decreasing the size of the clitoral hood, this procedure makes the clitoris itself easier to access, making it easier to achieve an orgasm.

Who Is A Candidate For A Hoodectomy?

If you’re a woman with a large clitoral hood, then you may qualify for a hoodectomy. Not only can a hoodectomy reduce the tissue that covers the clitoris, but it can also improve the aesthetics of the clitoral area as well. Any incision that is made during a clitoral hood reduction will be near or around the clitoris. Dr. Huertas will not make incisions directly on the clitoris, and he’ll make the incisions in nearby tissue very carefully. You may not qualify for a hoodectomy if you have severe medical problems, heart or lung disease, or if you’ve had a traumatic injury to your reproductive organs in the past. Dr. Huertas will determine whether you’re a candidate after meeting with you and discussing your medical history and goals.

What To Expect During A Hoodectomy

Dr. Huertas can surgically reduce your clitoral hood with anesthesia in an outpatient setting at a hospital or surgical facility where he has medical privileges. Your hoodectomy will involve the manual excision of excess tissue surrounding or covering the clitoris. Once the clitoral hood, or prepuce, is cut back, it should significantly expose the clitoris. He will close the incisions without coming into contact with the highly sensitive and arousing erectile tissue. You will recover in a private recovery area until being discharged to go home.

How Long Is Recovery After A Hoodectomy?

After your hoodectomy, we’ll discharge you to recover in the comfort of your own home. You may have some mild pain and swelling. We’ll provide post-op instructions on how to care for vulvar area after surgery. You may need to rest at home for 2 – 3 days before returning to work. Dr. Huertas will have you back to his office for a follow-up appointment so he can monitor your recovery and will let you know when you can start exercising again and when you can resume sexual intercourse.

 Hoodectomy FAQs

What are the benefits of a hoodectomy?
A hoodectomy offers many benefits, including:

  • Enhanced sexual sensations
  • More intense orgasms
  • Improved aesthetic appearance
  • Diminished discomfort during intercourse

Depending on your desired results, our team at Dallas Cosmetic Center can evaluate if you could benefit from a hoodectomy.

How long can it take to heal from a hoodectomy?
The exact healing and recovery time from a hoodectomy can vary from patient to patient. Typically, patients are able to return to work within a couple of days. You may also need to avoid strenuous activity and sexual intercourse for some time after your procedure. Additional aftercare instructions will be provided by our team to ensure optimal healing.

Who qualifies for a hoodectomy procedure?
Candidates for a hoodectomy should:

  • Be in good overall health
  • Not smoke
  • Be at a healthy weight
  • Have no previous complications from anesthesia
  • Have realistic expectations about your hoodectomy goals

 When You Need To See An Experienced Surgeon

We’re here at Dallas Cosmetic Center in Dallas, TX to give you information about how to live your best life (and yes, your best sex life). Living with the inability to climax or struggling greatly to reach a point of pleasure because of your hooded clitoris may be extremely frustrating for you and your partner. With Dr. Huertas, you can explore your options of procedures that can change your life.

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