Ask These Questions Before Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift

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Making the choice to have Brazilian butt lift surgery may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! By knowing what questions to ask your BBL surgeon, you can feel comfortable, confident, and well-informed when it comes to your decision. Board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Otto Huertas and the award-winning team at Dallas Cosmetic Center take great care to ensure that patients seeking Brazilian butt lift in Dallas, TX have all of the information they need to go into surgery with confidence and excitement. If you are considering a BBL, make sure to ask these important questions during your preoperative consultation.

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

If you have already begun thinking about BBL surgery, you probably know some of the basics about the procedure. Generally speaking, a Brazilian butt lift is a body contouring procedure that involves a fat transfer to the buttocks. Primarily, BBL surgery is used to help patients get a round, plump butt shape that is extremely challenging – and often impossible – to achieve through diet and exercise alone.

BBL questions to ask your surgeon

While Brazilian butt lift may sound fairly straightforward, there are a number of fundamental questions you should ask your surgeon before making the decision to have surgery, including:

How is a Brazilian butt lift done?

During BBL in Dallas, Dr. Huertas will begin by performing liposuction to harvest fat from a predetermined area of the patient’s body, such as:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Flanks
  • Thighs

The harvested fat is then separated and purified in a specialized centrifuge machine before being prepared in syringes. Finally, Dr. Huertas will meticulously inject the prepared fat into the buttocks in thin, precise layers. By strategically massaging the tissue between each layer of injection, Dr. Huertas can sculpt a smooth, round, natural-looking new shape that matches the patient’s desired outcome.

How long is BBL recovery time?

Patients should expect some degree of discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the first several days after BBL surgery. It is important that patients also remember that they will have two sites to care for: the area where liposuction was performed and the site of fat transfer to the buttocks. One of the most critical aspects of BBL recovery is avoiding direct pressure to the buttocks, which will allow the newly transferred fat to establish a blood supply and remain in the buttocks over a long period of time. To aid in this, patients will need to sleep on their stomachs and avoid sitting or driving for several weeks. After this time, using a donut-shaped pillow or nursing pillow while sitting is encouraged.

The majority of patients are able to return to work about 10 – 14 days after BBL surgery, though strenuous physical activity and exercise will be restricted for up to 6 – 8 weeks. Once postoperative swelling has resolved, which can take up to 3 – 6 months, patients will begin to see their final BBL results taking shape.

How long does a Brazilian butt lift last?

When performed by a highly qualified and experienced surgeon, BBL results can last for many years or even decades. However, patients should be committed to maintaining a stable weight after BBL surgery in order to preserve their results for as long as possible. Future weight gain or weight loss can cause the transferred fat cells to swell, shrink, or perish, which can significantly compromise the cosmetic outcome of BBL. Additionally, patients should keep in mind that BBL surgery cannot stop the aging process. Over time, patients may notice age-related changes, including sagging skin, volume loss, or wrinkles.

Do I qualify for Brazilian butt lift?

Patients considering BBL surgery should be:

  • In good health
  • Nonsmokers
  • Have enough extra fat available for transfer
  • Have realistic expectations for their results
  • Desire a more natural solution for butt enlargement or buttock reshaping
  • Committed to maintaining a stable weight before and after BBL

Get the Hollywood-worthy butt you’ve always wanted with Brazilian butt lift in Dallas, TX

Are you frustrated with the shape of your butt despite spending hours in the gym and eating a healthy, balanced diet? You’re not alone! Millions of men and women find it virtually impossible to achieve a curvy, shapely rear end with diet and exercise alone but aren’t interested in the extensive and synthetic nature of glute implants. To learn more about how you can finally achieve the physique of your dreams with Brazilian butt lift surgery in Dallas, TX, call Dallas Cosmetic Center to schedule your private consultation with acclaimed board-certified cosmetic surgeon and gynecologist Dr. Otto Huertas today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.