How Soon Can I Resume A Normal Lifestyle After Reduction Labiaplasty?

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If you’re unhappy with the size, shape, or overall appearance of your labia, you may feel self-conscious in the bedroom or while wearing tight clothing. Some women even experience painful symptoms associated with long labia. Board-certified gynecologist and plastic surgeon Dr. Otto Huertas and the expert team at Dallas Cosmetic Center in Dallas, TX specialize in helping women feel more confident and feminine with the most advanced vaginal rejuvenation procedures available, including reduction labiaplasty. Learn more here about labiaplasty, and find out how long you should plan to avoid sex, tampon use, exercise, and other activities after surgery.

What causes long labia?

There are a number of potential causes for long or stretched out labia, including:

  • Natural anatomy
  • Birth defect
  • Trauma/injury
  • Vaginal delivery/childbirth
  • Age

What is a reduction labiaplasty?

Reduction labiaplasty is a highly beneficial form of vaginal rejuvenation surgery that aims to trim excess tissue from the vaginal lips, or labia, to achieve a more feminine, youthful shape. Not only is labiaplasty useful from a cosmetic standpoint, but it can also help relieve frustrating symptoms associated with long, misshapen, or asymmetric labia. If you are experiencing any of the following signs or symptoms, you may be a good candidate for reduction labiaplasty in Dallas, TX:

  • Long labia
  • Asymmetric labia
  • Hanging labia
  • Recurrent infections
  • Pain with intercourse
  • Discomfort while sitting or wearing tight clothing
  • Self-conscious about appearance in leggings or swimsuits
  • Low self-confidence in bedroom/with partner

How does labiaplasty work?

Depending on the nature and extent of your case, reduction labiaplasty may be performed using either local or general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Huertas will use extreme precision to carefully trim the labia, resulting in a more youthful, appealing shape. In many cases, Dr. Huertas performs a “wedge” technique, which allows the natural edge of the labia to be maintained and further minimizes the possibility of any visible scarring. Patients can rest assured that their sexual function and sensitivity will remain intact, as labiaplasty does not involve the clitoris. Over the course of several weeks, the dissolvable sutures used in the case will disintegrate, postoperative swelling will resolve, and patients will be able to enjoy their more feminine, natural-looking appearance and dramatic symptom improvement.

How long is labiaplasty recovery?

Patients should expect some level of swelling, discomfort, and numbness in the first week after labiaplasty surgery. As the incisions heal, patients will likely experience itchiness, but it is important to avoid scratching and disturbing your sutures. The majority of patients feel much more like themselves after about 1 – 2 weeks and are able to return to work and other activities, with some exceptions.

How long should I wait before having sex after labiaplasty?

While most women can return to work and the majority of their normal daily routines about 1 – 2 weeks after reduction labiaplasty, certain activities will be restricted for a longer period of time. Strenuous physical activity and exercise can likely be resumed after about 4 – 6 weeks. Sexual activity and tampon use should be paused for at least 6 – 8 weeks to allow your body plenty of time to heal and recover. During your postoperative follow-up appointments, Dr. Huertas will closely monitor your healing progress and let you know when it is safe and appropriate to resume a full range of activity.

Get the comfort and confidence you deserve with reduction labiaplasty in Dallas, TX

Acclaimed board-certified gynecologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Otto Huertas understands how frustrating and discouraging everyday life can be for women who are unsatisfied with the form or function of their labia. Join the many other women who have undergone reduction labiaplasty in Dallas, TX to restore their comfort, boost their confidence, and enjoy intimacy once again. To learn more about labiaplasty, including whether it may be right for you, call the caring team at Dallas Cosmetic Center to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Huertas today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.