Five Things Liposuction Can and Cannot Do

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There are new cosmetic techniques available today for body sculpting help, like CoolSculpting® or Sculptra®. However, fat removal surgery with liposuction is still the most popular one performed in the United States. Every year, women and men choose this body contouring procedure to fight problematic areas of unwanted fat when diet and exercise efforts have been exhausted. If you are looking to achieve a more toned, slimmer, and shapely appearance, can you benefit from liposuction? What exactly can this fat removal surgery do?

For women and men in Dallas, TX, liposuction continues to be one of the most requested procedures with board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Otto Huertas. He is an expert at contouring and reshaping the body by removing excess fat with liposuction, and helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Read on to learn more about liposuction and discover the pluses and minuses of what this body sculpting treatment can do.

What does liposuction do?

Liposuction is a versatile fat reduction technique that can contour and sculpt a person's body in different areas. Small incisions are made in the target areas, such as the thighs, hips, abdomen, underneath the chin, and back, to break up unwanted fat cells before being removed to create smooth, sexy contours. Despite the fantastic results that liposuction can provide, patients can be unsure about what it can and cannot do. Dr. Huertas is dedicated to educating his patients about how this body sculpting procedure improves their physiques and can provide long-term results.

Liposuction can:

1. Deliver dramatic results

Even though new noninvasive body contouring techniques can help reduce fatty deposits in troublesome areas, traditional liposuction still provides the most dramatic results. More women and men in Dallas, TX are turning to this fat reduction surgery to slim down areas and redefine their body when diet and exercise are no longer effective. Liposuction can remove unwanted fat cells to reshape and contour your body so you feel more confident about how you look. Some common areas liposuction can help are:

  • Neck area or double chin
  • Upper arms
  • Upper and lower back
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Above the knees

2. Provide precise spot reduction of adipose fat tissue

After losing a substantial amount of weight or shedding undesired pounds, it can be almost impossible to determine where on the body unwanted fat will be reduced. Maybe after losing weight, you were hoping to have smaller thighs but shed more inches off your waistline. Most people who have lost weight with diet and exercise would agree it is frustrating to be left with residual pockets of fatty deposits. With this versatile body contouring surgery, specific areas are identified, and stubborn fat cells are broken down manually and removed, leaving patients feeling more confident and enjoying a more fit-looking, trimmer body.

3. Combines easily with a fat transfer

Liposuction can effectively produce long-lasting, remarkable cosmetic improvements from head to toe. In addition to removing unwanted fatty deposits, liposuction works to sculpt and reshape target areas to provide dramatic or subtle body sculpting results. It can even allow patients to boost volume in other areas, such as the breasts or buttocks with a fat transfer. Fat cells are removed from one area, then purified, to be grafted into another area of the body lacking the desired volume – a cosmetic bonus to simultaneously address more than one area.

Liposuction cannot:

1. Be a weight loss solution

Even though liposuction creates a slimmer, more contoured appearance by removing fatty deposits, it is not a weight-loss treatment. Nor should it take the place of exercising regularly or following a healthy diet. Dr. Huertas generally recommends that patients be at or near their ideal body weight before fat removal surgery to achieve and maintain excellent results.

2. Reduce the appearance of loose skin or cellulite

Liposuction will not reduce excess skin in the target area. It can require other skin tightening methods but easily combines with other body lift procedures, such as a tummy tuck, arm lift, or thigh lift, to name a few. Liposuction cannot get rid of cellulite. There are other cosmetic procedures to help with this issue that can be considered once you are fully healed.

Liposuction is a safe and effective cosmetic tool with a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Otto Huertas. Now that you know what is possible with this fat removal surgery, if you would like to learn more or are interested in other body sculpting procedures, contact the Dallas Cosmetic Center professionals to schedule your liposuction consultation with Dr. Huertas today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.