Dallas Cosmetic Center

Sculptra® Butt Lift

What Is A Sculptra® Butt Lift?

Growing in popularity for men and women in America, buttocks augmentation can help improve the shape and volume of the butt. While there are various surgical alternatives (butt augmentation with fat transfer or implants) that can help you attain a fuller appearance, Dallas Cosmetic Center is proud to offer nonsurgical butt lift injections at our office in Dallas, TX. Using Sculptra injections, our board-certified gynecologist and cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Otto Huertas, can create rounder buttocks without the need for incisions or lengthy recovery time. Dr. Huertas can help you get a more shapely figure with nonsurgical dermal fillers. Get in touch with our Dallas, TX office to schedule a consultation so we can create your treatment plan.

 What Are The Benefits Of A Sculptra® Butt Lift?

A customized Sculptra butt lift at Dallas Cosmetic Center can create fuller, sexier curves with great benefits like:

  • Adding volume and projection
  • Building volume naturally
  • Stimulating collagen and new tissue growth
  • Creating results that look and feel natural
  • No surgery or scarring
  • Treatments are quick
  • Little to no downtime
  • Results are long-lasting

Who Is A Candidate For A Sculptra® Butt Lift?

Dallas Cosmetic Center performs the Sculptra butt lift for men and women of all ages. You might be an ideal candidate for butt augmentation with Sculptra if you’d like fuller, rounder buttocks without surgery. Nonsurgical butt augmentation can help if you have naturally flat buttocks or if you’ve lost volume due to significant weight loss or aging. Most Dallas, TX patients prefer nonsurgical butt augmentation to the time and cost associated with a surgical option that uses implants or a fat transfer (the Brazilian butt lift). At your consultation, Dr. Huertas will go over your options after listening to your needs and goals.

What Happens During A Sculptra® Butt Lift?

At your consultation, Dr. Huertas will develop your custom treatment plan to help ensure you attain your desired outcome. Right after creating your plan, he can administer the Sculptra injections into your buttocks using a fine needle. Even though this should cause little to no pain, Dr. Huertas can apply a numbing cream to reduce discomfort if needed. Many injections are placed in layers at strategic points on your buttocks until reaching the desired results.

How Long Is Recovery After A Sculptra® Butt Lift?

Since the Sculptra butt lift is a nonsurgical procedure, you can leave our office and return to your regular activities following your appointment. For a few days, you may experience mild bruising, redness, or swelling in and around the injection sites. These side effects are normal and should fade on their own. Sculptra injections help to stimulate the production of collagen in your skin for a gradual increase in volume, so it can take several weeks or months to see your final results. Most patients have 2 – 3 injection sessions spaced about four weeks apart to get their best results. Though some of the dermal filler might be reabsorbed, you should see an improved contour and a subtle lift for around two years.

Sculptra® Butt Lift FAQ

Does the Sculptra butt lift last very long?
Just like with all filler products, nonsurgical butt augmentation with a filler won’t last forever, but it will last for a very long time. Sculptra is one of the longer-lasting fillers on the market and can create excellent results that can last for 2 – 3 years.

How does Sculptra work?
Sculptra is a strong, deep filler product made of injectable poly-L-lactic acid and is designed to work with your body, which is an added benefit. When this unique filler break down, it’s supposed to help your body reproduce lost collagen, which means it can take at least 2 – 3 months, even up to a year, for final results to develop. We prefer to place Sculptra deep so it can act as a building block for the buttocks.

What if I want a significant amount of volume in my buttocks?
During your consultation, Dr. Huertas will assess your buttocks and discuss realistic expectations as to what Sculptra can provide. If he feels another treatment (such as a Brazilian butt lift) could give you the ultimate volume you desire, he’ll discuss that option with you as well. Sculptra can help to create a rounder, fuller look, but in some cases, where much more volume is the goal, there are other factors to consider, such as cost, safety, and longevity.

For Fabulous Fullness For Your Buttocks

If you can’t get the buttocks shape you want through endless squats but still want to avoid surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Huertas to find out more about the Sculptra butt lift, a nonsurgical alternative to buttocks augmentation with implants or a Brazilian butt lift (fat transfer). Sculptra can help to improve the contours and volume of your lower body without incisions or downtime. Contact Dallas Cosmetic Center in Dallas, TX to learn more about the Sculptra butt lift and other treatments.